亲爱的琪子 - 四川方言版

论坛:江湖色作者:amigo发表时间:2004-01-17 15:11




先说好哈,我愣个[注: 这样]亲昵地喊你一声你莫怪哈。我这个人呢,其实一直都很害羞的,尤其是在女娃儿面前。那个龙门阵我们空了再吹,现在我要做的事情,是先壮起胆子,才敢跟你老人家乱劈柴。就象别个老话说的,你龟儿子活都没得几天活的了,还装啥子蒜嘛。

你那个贴子,我颠过来倒过去看了,看的时候,比你看贝贝帖子那阵子,眼睛都鼓得还大。啷个[注: 怎么]说唉,那些理性啊感性的名堂到没得啥子,你娃让我最没得脾气的,就是那些鸡毛大的事情,也整得跟个麻雀一样。我晓得,有些一天到晚就想把老公当耙耳朵打整的婆娘,就最喜欢愣个搞。我说耙[注: 软]的意思,不是说糯米粑粑啷个耙,可以想嗷[注: 咬]几口就嗷几口,主要是说你娃那种孙二娘的夜叉眼光,让我有点乘[注: 招架]不起,觉得我各人[注: 自己]先遭吓耙了。你娃各人也说了,扫点皮没得啥子,把别个整成内伤了,你说啷个办嘛。

兄弟我呢,倒是一直想找点温柔 - 这种事情你晓得,一般得先把女娃儿巴结好了。讲几句过来人的话,贝贝这娃儿呢,还是有点傲。不是开黄腔,兄弟这方面的历史,就象刘文彩收租院里头的血泪帐,硬是交的租多,留的粮少。打俺娘给俺断奶那阵起,那个温柔乡就一直难得找。我头一回想学别个找堂客[注:对象],结果那个女娃儿硬是不干,一点都没得怜香惜玉的意思,硬是把我那颗14岁的幼小心灵搞伤了。当然咯,这些事情换个角度来看也没得啥子,但是你是遭搞成内伤了嘛,你说啷个办嘛。

贝贝这个事情呢,就更是有点雪上加霜。哪个都晓得说贝贝是个乖娃儿,遭欺负了,可怜。啷个就没得人说我的处境也造孽[注:可怜]呢? 我想跟贝贝套瓷,说她的片子拍得比我好。愣个善意的动作都没得人表扬一哈。别个就不说了,这件金光闪闪的好人好事,连你那孙二娘的火眼金睛都没看到,太不给人活下去的信心了。你倒是只晓得一杆子打翻一船人,说啷个就从来没得人夸过贝贝呢。






dear qizi,

fist of all, please forgive my imprudence in affixing such an endearment appellation without your explicit permission. i have always been a timid individual in front of the fair sex, a situation which i shall explain in the text to come, as now i'm busy trying and availing myself to such daredevil aphorism -- "life is too short to be taken [f-word omitted] seriously" -- with no other purpose than to enbolden myself enough so i can speak to you in a straightforward manner.

i have read your post thoroughly, maybe more so than you had cared to comb through the entire group of threads surrounding beibei's recent story. what strikes me most in your post is not the rationality or the compassion as you have expressed, but the landslide fallacy not untypical in feministic rhetorics. i have no intention to use the word feministic as an all-encompassing designation, or reference to anything such designation usually implies, but your post has unfortunately placed me under such strict scrutiny, a kind of experience, shall i say, not unfamiliar to me but still quite overwhelming. as you have just aptly pointed out, you can tell someone to ignore logic fallacies, but you can't tell someone to stop feeling being hurt.

being a man long been seeking affirmation and affection from the opposite sex -- a female-dominated landscape, needless to say -- i can completely identify certain traits in beibei with those found in "la femme sans merci", or merciless woman in plain english words. from my own notes of the past, and any of others had they paid bare minimum attention to my mishaps, i can certainly recount a history full of sorrow, agony, disbelief and rejection. ever since my dear mother had weaned me of breast-feeding, my first quest for love had met with heavy and blunt blow from that pretty yet merciless girl, and all that happened at my tender age of barely fourteen. granted all those events could possibly be reviewed in a more rightful and rational framework, but you couldn't tell someone to stop feeling being hurt, could you?

what even makes me more doubtful of my worthiness has just so much related to beibei's recent story. everyone seems to recognize beibei as the weak victim in this incident. what most people failed to recognize, is that at present i'm standing at a position even more fragile. simply put, when i attempted and offered to testify the quality of beibei's photographs, by saying that they were better than mine, nobody had shown the slightest sign of affirmation in my goodwill per se, or my employment of sensitivity and tactic in reassuring her. so my won confidence is at peril, and more so when such commendable deed had entirely escaped your very scrutinizing eyes, when you bluntly wrap it up in a blanket statement saying "why has no one said that?"

you asked no one should take offense from your words, which i took as forewarning, and kowning the fact that preys could also turn into predators, i'm still feeling hurt, deeply, by insult added to injury. i don't pretend to know all about the feministic rhetorics, but their general tone and manner of argument often make me feel diminitive, fragile, and with the urge for self-stubbing. beibei might be weak, but when she turned her back on me, she had proved to be strong, at least stronger than me, leaving me behind begging and wallowing in that desolate state of being rejected, once again.

god of course never had existed, otherwise he would have lent his hands long time before this.


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