Yining 还被夸了

论坛:IT江湖作者:redsox发表时间:2005-11-25 17:22

Freedom of Association anyone?
(Score:2, Informative)
by Chaffar (670874) on Thursday November 24, @12:42PM (#14108215)
From the blog mentioned in the article http://www.chinatopblog.com/?p=6 [chinatopblog.com]:

The first sentence was misleading and wrong. BBC said something like this- More than 300 bloggers attended the conference.

Yining corrected the BBC woman."No. you are wrong, the meeting participants are less than 200."

According Chinese law, any assembles by more than 200 people should be approved officially.If not, it's illegal.

Clever clever boy Yining... he caught the BBC in a lie. However, the Chinese "Law" he mentioned, interestingly, says waves more than anything he could've said in any interview. I don't know if he did it on purpose, but that by itself should give the BBC enough to write about. Right of association anyone?http://supreme.lp.findlaw.com/constitution/ amendment01/12.html [findlaw.com]

The beauty of Yining's comment is that he takes such laws as accepted truths, and uses it to disprove the BBC's claim the same way a physicist would disprove a certain claim using Newton's or Einstein's theories.
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