论坛:IT江湖作者:绿豆包子发表时间:2004-06-15 22:07
看一下 里面有一个setLargeTextField 方法。

* Sets a large text column in a result set, automatically performing
* streaming if the JDBC driver requires it. This is necessary because
* different JDBC drivers have different capabilities and methods for
* setting large text values.
* @param pstmt the PreparedStatement to set the text field in.
* @param parameterIndex the index corresponding to the text field.
* @param value the String to set.
public static void setLargeTextField(PreparedStatement pstmt,
int parameterIndex, String value) throws SQLException
if (streamLargeText) {
Reader bodyReader = null;
try {
bodyReader = new StringReader(value);
pstmt.setCharacterStream(parameterIndex, bodyReader, value.length());
catch (Exception e) {
throw new SQLException("Failed to set text field.");
// Leave bodyReader open so that the db can read from it. It *should*
// be garbage collected after it's done without needing to call close.
else {
pstmt.setString(parameterIndex, value);
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