A Vava Inouva 两个版本

论坛:寻音觅影作者:日落酒馆发表时间:2006-03-02 15:12
A Vava Inouva 两个版本的下载

1\ A Vava Inouva, IDIR 和他姐姐MILA合唱, 出自1976年的同名专辑[A Vava Inouva];

2\ A Vava Inouva 2, IDIR 和凯尔特女歌手 Karen Matheson 合唱,出自[Identites]。

* 链接:A Vava Inouva 两个版本MP3下载
(2006-03-05 15:12 过期)

* 链接:Idir [Identites] [APE]


A Vava Inouva [歌词英文翻译]

Please , open the dooor to me
My sweet little dad, sweet little dad,
Ring your bangles, oh my daughter Ghriba

I'm afraid of the forest monster
I'm afraid too ,my daughter.The grandfather half-tuft
Is warming-up near the house

His son is worried about the food (material life)
(While) the days turn in his head
The daughter in law (seaten) behind the weaving loom
Puts the metal softers in order
The children surround the grandmother
Who learns them old stories

The snow covers the doors of enter,
The cooking-pot gets full with winter plates
The(men) group dreams of spring
The moon and the stars are veiled

As for the log of green oak
It takes the space (and pushes away)
The warming pieces of wood (near the house)
And all the family is gathered
To hear the miraculous fairy tails

A Vava Inouva [柏柏尔语歌词]

Tsxilek lliyin tabburt,
A vava inouva, A vava inouva
Tchcen Tchcen tizzebgatin im, A yelli Ghriba

Uggadegh lwahch lghaba
A vava inouva
Uggadegh ula d'nekkini ,A yelli Ghriba

Amghar yetstsel degur bernus
Di tesga la yezzizzin
Mmis yetshabbir i lqut
Ussan degw qerrus tezzin (bis)

Tislit deffir uzzetta
Tessalay tijebeddin
Arrach zzind i temghart
As n tesgher tiqdimin

Tsxilek lliyin tabburt,
A vava inouva, A vava inouva
Tchcen Tchcen tizzebgatin im, A yelli Ghriba

Uggadegh lwahch lghaba
A vava inouva
Uggadegh ula d'nekkini ,A yelli Ghriba

Adfel yessud tibbura
Tuggi kecments ihlulen
Tajmaat tetsargu tafsut
Aggur d'yitran hegben (bis)
Ma d'aqegmur n tasaft
Idegger akkin idenyen
Mmlalend akw at wexxam
It machahuts ad sslen

Tsxilek lliyin tabburt,
A vava inouva, A vava inouva
Tchcen Tchcen tizzebgatin im, A yelli Ghriba

Uggadegh lwahch lghaba
A vava inouva
Uggadegh ula d'nekkini ,A yelli Ghriba

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