
论坛:江湖兵器作者:靠边发表时间:2008-10-16 22:17

Price records

Since 1968 the price of gold on the open market has ranged widely, from a high of $850/oz ($27,300/kg) on January 21, 1980, to a low of $252.90/oz ($8,131/kg) on June 21, 1999 (London Gold Fixing).[19] The 1980 high was not overtaken until January 3, 2008 when a new maximum of $865.35 per troy ounce was set (a.m. London Gold Fixing).[20] The current record price was set on March 17, 2008 at $1023.50 (am. London Gold Fixing).[21]

Long term price trends

Since April 2001 the gold price has more than tripled in value against the US dollar (as seen here), prompting speculation that this long secular bear market (or the Great Commodities Depression) has ended and a bull market has returned [22]. In March 2008, the gold price increased above $1000 [23], which in real terms is still well below the $850/oz. peak on January 21, 1980. Indexed for inflation, the 1980 high would equate to a price of around $2400 in 2007 US dollars. In the last century, major economic crises (such as the Great Depression, World War II, the first and second oil crisis) lowered the Dow/Gold ratio (which is inherently inflation adjusted) substantially, in most cases to a value well below 4 (as seen here). During these difficult times, investors tried to preserve their assets by investing in precious metals, most notably gold and silver.更多看这里
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