海贫菜谱 - Guilty pleasure [注1]

论坛:江湖兵器作者:timmy发表时间:2008-10-09 04:05

昨天出太阳,提前回家, 锻炼也不去了, 一下子就多了阳光明媚的四个小时.回家的路上去那个有很好吃的猪头肉(head cheese[注2])的DELI, 买半磅猪头肉, 在两种啤酒之间犹豫, 干脆全买了.回家躺在沙发上晒太阳喝酒吃猪头肉, 对着天花板发呆!

楼下fruit推荐的那个大厨有一次介绍柏林有这么一家专门卖head cheese的店, 我边看边想龙二真幸运, 也不知道她有没有去吃. 反正我是不打算告诉她.

纸娃和张老师, 既不要伤心, 更别生气了, 难道你们就没有什么Guilty pleasure可以自己偷偷开心一下的吗?

注1: A guilty pleasure is known as something one considers pleasurable despite feeling guilt for enjoying it.Fashion and food can be examples of guilty pleasures.(想了想, 还是写英文, 因为我不知道怎么翻.)

注2: Head cheese: In certain part of China 'yaorou' (肴肉) is eaten. It is made by boning and pickling pig trotters with brine and alum. The meat is then rolled and pressed and eaten cold.In Northeastern China, a jellied pork skin dish is often made and served with a spicy soy sauce and vinegar mixture with crushed garlic and red chili powder.
虽然是叫猪头肉, 样子更象肉皮冻, 里面的肉也可以是五花八门的, 反正都是不太好的啦.

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