那时候我还不知道Ann coulter呢,what a bitch
but I wanna see her naked....汗...am I a pervert or not.
现在不太喜欢real time with bill maher了,不如Jon stewart逗乐儿。
Transcript for Friday, June 28, 2002
Arianna Huffington
Christopher Tim Reid
Ann Coulter
Michelle Phillips
Arianna: I'm Arianna Huffington, and this is Ann Coulter, Christopher Reid and Michelle Phillips.
Ann: And we're here to bid farewell to one of the most provocative and innovative late-night shows in television history.
Christopher: And to celebrate the man in the big chair for nine years and over 1,600 episodes.
Michelle: And I'm just here for the wrap party.
[ Laughter ]
Arianna: I've met funny guys, but none are smart.
I've met smart guys, but none are funny.
He single-handedly raised the quality of political debate in America, and after midnight, no less.
He's the ultimate cantankerous romantic.
Ladies and gentlemen, Bill Maher.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Bill: Thank you all very, very much.
Thank you all.
Thank you.
Aw, please.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Thank you.
Thank you.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Thank you, folks.
Please, folks, we got --
still a half hour show.
Sorry, but that's --
[ Laughter ]
I really appreciate it.
That's wonderful.
You're making it very difficult for me to do the show the way I've always done it --
hung over.
But --
[ Laughter ]
I do appreciate that more than I could tell you.
It has been a very, very sentimental day here.
I was packing up, as we do.
I was in my office, and boy, at the bottom of a drawer, I found the very first note of no confidence from the network.
It was --
[ Laughter ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
No, but it's all good, as the kids say.
Nine years, I will take it.
I tell ya, that is not nothin', nine years.
When you think of the show as --
[ Applause ]
When you think that this show is old enough to get hit on by a priest, that is old.
That --
[ Laughter ]
I was hoping it would get old enough to get peed on by R. Kelly, but you know --
[ Audience ohs ]
[ Laughter ]
Even on my finale, I get boos.
No, nine years --
to put that in perspective, Newt Gingrich was still cheating on his first wife.
[ Laughter ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
No, we have had a nice, long run here.
Please, come on.
We have gone through two Presidents.
And that's just this month at ABC.
[ Laughter ]
[ Applause ]
Oh, I kid ABC.
Poor people, I gave them headaches the whole time.
We had a sponsor, as a matter of fact, pull out as recently as today.
[ Laughter ]
Although they swore it was just for old time's sake.
[ Laughter ]
And most of the old times we've had were good.
I'm tellin' ya, we've had good days here.
We took the show on the road a lot.
We loved that.
I remember the time in Aspen that I talked the conservative virgin and the ultra-liberal feminist into the hot tub by describing it as a "think tank."
[ Laughter ]
[ Applause ]
We have had the bitter and the sweet.
I have taken the good with the bad.
I have had death threats and marriage proposals.
And I've even had guests who swore there was a difference.
[ Laughter ]
And in the end, I have just one question --
How come I'm canceled, and Bin Laden is still on Al Jazeera?