
论坛:江湖谈琴作者:春分发表时间:2000-03-25 12:57

主  题:好来屋一百个为什么(人物篇)


版权: 原作

这篇让我笑疼肚子的文章出自最新一期Movieline, 也让我打消了
可惜Tom Hanks, Kevin Costner没被刺到。其实Costner的玩笑最
好开,连他自己在Oscar颁奖都说:“This ceromony is going long,
and I like the long stuff."

100 Questions We Honestly Want to Ask Hollywood
If we just knew the answer to these questions, we"d never ask.
"What were they thinking?" again. By David Thomson

Part 1 People
1. Why doesn"t Michael Douglas make a comedy about a U.S president
who"s always in danger of making big and horrible mistakes
if he doesn"t get a blow job every day?

2. Where is Roberto Benigni"s "off " button?
3. What did Elia Kazan ever do to Amy Madigan?
4. If George Lucas is the ultimate organization freak, why does Episode I come fourth?
5. Are any of Gwyneth Paltrow"s relatives doing well?
6. How did Madonna, who hails from Bay City, get a mid-Atlantic accent?
7. Why has Michelle Pfeiffer wasted so much of her talent?
8. What is Tom Cruise going to do instead of aging?
9. Why doesn"t Harrison Ford let someone else choose his leading ladies?
10. If Calista Flockhart isn"t anorexic, what do they call that dress size?
11. What else is wrong with Calista Flockhart?
12. What, exactly, happened to Adrien Brody in the Thin Red Line?
13. Why does Warren Beatty still assume that everyone knows who he is?
14. Who let Pamela Anderson gets her breast implant removed?
15. Why does Roberts De Niro agree to have that cup of coffee with Al Pacino in Heat?
16. How can Elizabeth Shue do Leaving Las Vegas and then go back to being Elizabeth Shue?
17. How come Mike Figgis can do Leaving Las Vegas and then go back to being Mike Figgis?
18. What happened to Bill Pullman in The Thin Red Line?
19. How do we tell which films Nicolas Cage is dong for art from those he"s doing for money?
20. Why does Patricia Arquette get cast so much more often than Rosanna Arquette?
21. Is Jack Valenti hoping Colin Powell will give him a job?
22. Why did they keep John Travolta in The Thin Red Line?
23. Why did Al Pacino"s acting get so much worse after he won his Oscar?
24. What is Debra Winger doing these days?
25. Why is Steven Spielberg still so uneasy in public/
26. Do Gwyneth Paltrow and Harvey Weistein actually talk when they"re not onstage together at award shows?
27. Why did Molly Ringwald go away while Demi Moore stayed?
28. What would have happened to Ed Harris if he"d had hair?
29. Why was it only Ian McKellen who realized that Brendan Fraser gave the best performance in Gods and Monsters?
30. If Susan Sarandon is so eager to improve mankind, why did she do Stepmom?
31. If Robin Wright Penn hadn"t been married to Sean Penn, wouldn"t she be a major star by now?
32. Will Matt Damon ever do a better acting job that the one in Courage Under Fire?
33. Does Jon Voight just want to work, or does he want to do good work, and does he know the difference?
34. Why does David E. Kelly waste his time with movies?
35. Do Joseph Fiennes and Ralph Fiennes really share any DNA?
36. If Dustin Hoffman is one of our great actor, why does he only get a good role every 10 years?
37. Is there a more cringe-making sight than Robin Williams when he"s deeply moved?
38. Was Bruce Willis good doing those small roles he used to do because they kept him form getting tired?
39. How did Julia Roberts let Shakespeare in Love get away?
40. How did God let Keanu Reeves get born 75 years too late for the great Slient Movie Era?
41. Did Oliver Stone discover in all those release Kennedy papers that JFK was nonsense?
42. Why doesn"t Alec Baldwin write some speeches for Al Gore?
43. What does Nick Nolta have to do to win?
44. What"s wrong with Andy Garcia"s career?
45. Why does Emily Watson only play people who are pains in neck?
46. Does anyone really believe Mark Canton is the only executive who ever fell asleep in one of his own studio"s pictures?
47. Will Matthew McConaughey ever again look like he did in A Time to Kill?
48. Is that Helen Bonham Carter"s real height on-screen?
49. Why won"t Bruce and Demi just get divorced?
50. Will Joan Rivers have to die before the E! network gets rid of Melissa?
51. Why don"t I ever want to see Kenneth Branagh in anything again?
52. Wouldn"t we all have been happier with the Oscars if Sophia Loran and Whoopi Goldberg had traded places?
53. OK - a cop show, with David Carusoa and Jimmy Smits - what do you think?
54. If the sun is always behind Robert Redford"s head, why is his face so lined and tanned?
55. Why is it that the Writers Guild always goes for more money instead of keeping the copyright?
56. What happened to the kitten I sent to John Malkovich?
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