
论坛:江湖谈琴作者:胖子发表时间:1999-08-31 21:47
l 西双版纳:

l 勐海:

l 景洪:

l 大理:
的苍山之下,洱海之滨。是大理白族自治州首府大理年平均气温15.1。C,最冷月(1月)平均气温8. 7。C,最热月(7月),平均气温为21。C,气候
4·大明古城: 现存的大理城为明洪武年间所建。城内不少民宅都以大理石作墙基,这些石料都取于邻近的石矿资源──大理石。古城还保留着明清府城的格局,街道整齐,民居建筑古香古

l 丽江:

l 中甸:

l 乡城:

l 理塘:

l 甘孜:
l 德格:

l 昌都:
l 丁青:
l 那曲:
l 拉萨:
1· 纳木错:
2· 布达拉宫:
3· 大昭寺:
4· 八角街:
5· 羊卓雍错:
l 拉孜:
l 定日:
l 日喀则:
l 多玛、各拉丹东:
长江之源和黄河之源均在青海境内。长江发源于唐古拉山的主峰各拉丹东冰 峰的姜根迪如冰川,海拔6548米,冰川之间,有数公里的大片冰塔林,它们的融水 即是长江的源头之水,故长江之源,实为冰川源,长江源头景色绮丽,几十米高的冰塔林,耸入晴空,绵亘十余里,犹如座座水晶峰峦,千姿百 ,是自然形成的艺术宝库,这里不仅风光极美,而且资源丰富,蕴藏着水晶石,磁铁矿和铅辛铅等,还盛产无鳞鱼和雪鸡,并时有野驴,大头弯羊,白唇鹿、野毛牛和雪豹出没其间,是旅游观光胜地。

l 青海湖:

l 若尔盖草原:
l 九寨沟:九寨沟位于岷江上游阿坝州南坪县境内,因沟内有九个藏族村寨而得名。1982年被国务院批准为国家级重点风景名胜区,1991年被联合国教科
文组织列入《世界自然遗产名录》。  九寨沟以绝天下的原始、神秘气氛而闻名。传说很久很久以前,神勇的山神达戈热恋着美丽的女神沃莫色莫,达戈用风云磨成一面宝镜送于色
l 成都:"峨眉天下秀,青城天下幽,剑门天下险,夔门天下雄”。

Yunnan / Geography

Yunnan, though a province of China, is, in many aspects, a part of Southeast Asia. This is the case because it is populated not only by Han Chinese who have migrated into the province in more recent times but by a large number of minorities who have been living here for as long as history has been recorded. Actually, one of the dominant ethnic groups of Southeast Asia, the Thais, trace their origin to Yunnan where they lived in their own, independent kingdom, Nanchao, for hundreds of years, until it was overrun by the Mongols of Kublai Khan. Dschingis Khan's and Kublai Khan's conquest of much of Asia forced many of the Thais of Yunnan, mainly those living in an advanced social order, the Nanchao state, to migrate south into an area which today forms the Kingdom of Thailand.

Nevertheless, a large number of ethnic Thais remained in Yunnan after Kublai Khan's conquest, especially in the mountainous regions of Yunnan which have less easily been penetrated, first by Kublai Khan's troops and later by Han Chinese administrations. Though these remaining Thais, known as Dais, Bais, and by other names, have, after Nanchao, never again been able to form their own, independent states, they have, until today, maintained their own way of life, their own religion, and their own customs which in many ways are quite different from those of the Han Chinese.

Yunnan is probably the most colourful, and the most diverse Chinese province. The particular ethnic mix certainly contributes to this fact.

Actually, Yunnan is among the ethnically most diverse regions not only of China but of all of Asia, comparable in diversity to its neighbor in the South and East, the Union of Myanmar (Burma).
Yunnan / Climate

Yunnan has a diverse climate, embracing temperate, tropical and rigid zones in one province. Kunming, the capital city, is marked by a pleasant spring weather which prevails year round while it is also notable for the abrupt change into winter weather caused by rain.

Dali's climate is somewhat similar to that of Kunming. Lijiang has a rather cold climate whereas Xishuangbanna is rather hot for most of the year.

Spring - February to April

Summer - May to July

Autumn - August to October

Winter - November to January
Yunnan / Population

The population of Yunnan is approximately 34 million. There are 24 registered minorities, including the Zhuang, Hui, Yi, Miao, Tibetans, Mongols, Yao, Bai, Hani, Dai, Lisu, Lahu, Wa, Naxi, Jingpo, Bulang, Pumi, Nu, Achang, Benglong, Jinuo, and Dulong.

The Naxi, living in and around the town of Lijiang in the northwestern part of Yunnan, bordering Tibet, are noted as one of the few Asian people who have maintained a matriarchal society (anthropologists believe that most early human societies have in fact been matriarchal, meaning to say, dominated by women). Apart from northwestern Yunnan, matriarchal societies are, for example, still found today in central Sumatra.

Ethnically, the Naxi belong to the Tibetan group. However, the region where they live, or roamed (as they used to be nomads), administratively belongs to the Chinese provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan. They count some 280,000.

Yunnan / Kunming / The City
Kunming is the capital of Yunnan province. Its history dates back for more than 2,000 years. In its early centuries the town was a Chinese military garrison. When the Kingdom of Nanchao became the dominant power in Yunnan, Kunming was conquered and made a secondary capital of Nanchao. The primary capital of Nanchao was Dali, to the north-west of Kunming.

In 1274, Kunming, and the whole Kingdom of Nanchao, was taken by Kublai Khan's Mongol hords.

After the demise of the Kingdom of Nanchao, Kunming again became a Chinese town, then known by the name of Yunnanfu. The Ming Dynasty fortified Kunming, building a wall around it. For the next 300 to 400 years, Kunming had been, on several occasions, the battleground for conflicting Chinese dynasties.

During the Muslim rebellion in Yunnan in the years 1858 to 1868 Kunming was attacked several times by the forces of the Sultan of Dali, Du Wenxiu. Many of the buildings were destroyed and many of Kunming's inhabitants were killed.

In the middle of the 19th century, European imperialist powers became interested in Kunming. By that time, the British were already well established in Burma, the French in Indochina. Especially the French wanted to exploit the natural resources of Yunnan, as well as the substantial trade potential. When, in the early 20th century, Kunming and several other cities in Yunnan and other regions of South China were opened to foreign trade, the French built a railway from Indochina to Kunming.

Kunming importance grew during World War II when a large number of Chinese internal refugees, fleeing the Japanese aggression, arrived in the city. The nationalist Chinese forces, the Kuomintang under Generalissimo Chiang Kaishek, who were entrenched in Yunnan and the neighboring Sichuan province, were heavily supported by the Western Allied Powers, and a lot of arms and economic support were brought to Kunming. The supplies were first transported on dirt roads from Burma and later flown into Kunming.

Kunming today has a population of around 1 million. The city offers a number of sightseeing spots but what makes it attractive, and different from much of Southeast Asia, is the city's climate, as well as some old parts of town.

Kunming is located some 1,900 meters above sea level and has mild weather throughout the year. During the winter months nights are cooler and it is recommended to bring some warmer clothes.

Yunnan / Dali / The City

For many centuries, Dali was the principal city of Yunnan, far more important than Kunming. Dali was the capital of the Nanchao Kingdom which made its power felt deep into China. Much later, in the mid-19th century, Dali was a Muslim stronghold from were the Yunnan capital of Kunming had been raided several times.

Still now, Dali is predominantly inhabited by Bai people, one of the strongest ethnic minorities in Yunnan province. The Bais are closely related to the Thais of Thailand, as well as to another ethnic minority in Yunnan province, the Dais.

Actually, the Thais of Thailand only became an ethnic group distinct from the Bais and Dais of Yunnan after Kublai Khan had defeated the Nanchao Kingdom. At that time, a large number of the Nanchao aristocracy, together with many of their subjects, migrated south, into Southeast Asia and present-day Thailand where they dislodged the Khmers who at that time were ruling over much of Southeast Asia.

The Thai group of people now classified as Thais, Dais, Bais, and under various other names, had been settling the Dali area for more than 3,000 years. Even today, there is much awareness among Thais that Yunnan is where they originate from.

Like Kunming, Dali, some 400 kilometers to the west, is located near a major lake, Erhai Lake. And like Kunming, Dali lies at an altitude of about 1,900 meters.

The main attraction of Dali is probably the surrounding countryside. To the west lies the Cangshan Mountain Range with peaks well above 4,000 meters and a large number of most picturesque Buddhist temples. Unlike the Han Chinese, the Dais and Bais of the Dali area are Hinayana Buddhists, so one may see saffron-robbed monks.

Yunnan / Dali / Three Pagodas

The Three Pagodas, though not as famous as those on the Three Pagodas Pass between Thailand and Myanmar, are among the oldest still-existing architectural structures in all of Southwestern China. The tallest of the three was built in the 9th century and reaches a height of some 70 meters. The two smaller pagodas are about 42 meters high. A temple behind the pagodas is a fine example of traditional Yunnanese architecture.

Yunnan / Dali / Butterfly Spring

The spring, some 30 kilometers north of Dali, draws, as many a Chinese tourist destination, its rating as an attraction not just from its physical features but also from a particular legend associated with it. In the case of the Butterfly Spring, the Chinese believe that once a pair of young lovers committed suicide by jumping into the water, in order to escape a cruel king. However, the two didn't die but were transformed into two of those butterflies that favor the spot. Alas, for the butterflies, one has to come in late spring or early summer.

Yunnan / Dali / Lake Erhai

Lake Erhai, some 40 kilometers long from north to south and less than 10 kilometers wide, is known for a unique fishing method used by the locals. Like Arabs are fond of hunting with falcons, the Bais of Lake Erhai used captured and domesticated cormorants to catch fish. The big birds are hindered from swallowing their prey by having rings fixed around their necks.

Yunnan / Lijiang / The Town

The area of Lijiang is one of the most attractive parts of Yunnan province. The attraction includes a breath-taking countryside to the east of the town, the picturesque old town of Lijiang itself, the region's Naxi population with its unique customs, as well as a large number of Tibetan Buddhist monasteries dotting the mountains east of Lijiang.

The old town of Lijiang is a labyrinth of narrow streets and canals, interwoven with markets, shops and tea houses. Taken all together, it makes for a splendid atmosphere. The most impressing, it's probably in the early morning when the mist clears in the town comes alive.

Yunnan / Lijiang / Jade Dragon Snow Mountain

To the north of Lijiang rise some impressive peaks of the Himalayan mountain range. The highest among them is Mount Satseto, referred to by the locals as Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Its peak had been conquered for the first time in 1963 by Chinese mountaineers.

Yunnan / Lijiang / Tiger Leaping Gorge of the Yangzi River

To the north of Lijiang, the Tiger Leaping Gorge of the Yangzi River is a popular destination for local and foreign tourist alike. The Yangzi River at this point passes through a 16 kilometer long valley, one of the deepest gorges anywhere in the world. The distance from the Yangzi water level to the mountain tops rises up to 3900 meters.

There are excursions to the whole length of the Valley which usually take two or three days.

Yunnan / Lijiang / Monasteries

Monasteries around Lijiang, among them Puji Monastery, Yafeng Monastery, Fugao Monastery, and Wenbe Monastery, belong to Tibetan Buddhist sects. The above-named monasteries, and countless others in the region, have all been damage during the Cultural Revolution. The most interesting sights at the monasteries are old frescoes. There has been a period in 15th and 16th centuries when frescoes had been painted at many of the monasteries by Tibetan and Naxi artists.

Yunnan / Xishuangbanna / The District

In many aspects, Xishuangbanna is China's own Mini-Thailand.

As far as the population of this southernmost part of Yunnan is concerned, it is indeed more Thai than Chinese. In this district, the minority (and by Chinese definition the Dais populating the area are a minority) are actually the majority. Of the district's population of more 650,000, more than half belong to the Dais who are just as closely related to the Thais of Thailand as the name suggests. The Han Chinese make up only about a quarter of the population.

The district's name, too, is more Thai than Chinese. "Sip song pan na" is Thai for "Twelve thousand rice fields", and that's what the fertile district has been called among the local Thai, or Dai, population for centuries.

Xishuangbanna is China's Mini-Thailand, too, because like Thailand in all of Southeast Asia, Xishuangbanna is, among China's provinces, a much preferred tourist destination, though not so much by international tourists but rather for Chinese from provinces further north.

Xishuangbanna is China's Mini-Thailand, too, because there is a striking similarity of tourist attractions. The highest rating is given to the Water Festival, which is equivalent to Songkran in Thailand, falls on the same date (April 13 to 15), and has the same traditional meaning of greeting a new year by the Thai, and Dai, calendar.

But Songkran is not the only Thai festivity which is also found in Yunnan's Xishuangbanna: there are rocket festivals, like in Thailand's Northeast, and boat races on various festive occasions as they are common in Northern Thailand.

Xishuangbanna, or rather the Dai majority, are Theravada Buddhists just like the Burmese and the Thais which gives the region additional colour. Like in Thailand and Burma, saffron-robbed monks can be seen wandering from house to house to receive the faithfuls' offerings. And there are countless Burmese- and Thai-style pagodas.

Yunnan / Xishuangbanna / Jinghong

Jinghong is Xishuangbanna's district capital, located on the bank of the Mekong River which is named Lancang River for as long as it flows through China. Among the attractions of Jinghong are the Manting Park with the ancient Manting Temple, the White Pagoda, the Octagonal Pavilion, and a Cultural Village with displays of folk arts and dance shows.

Boat trips on the Mekong are possible from Jinghong to Ganlanba, another town on the Mekong, southeast of Jinghong.

Sichuan, a big inland province in southwest China, is located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. It covers 570,000 sq km, i.e. 6 percent of the nation's total, and has a population of 110.84 million, nearly 10 percent of the national total. To the east of Sichuan are the provinces of Guizhou and Yunnan; to the west is the Tibetan Autonomous Region; and to the north are Qinghai, Gansu and Shanxi provinces.

The territory of Sichuan locates geographically in between 97 21' to 110 12' east longitude and 26 03' to 34 19' north latitude, which stretches 1,200 km westeastward and 900 km northsouthward. This land can be divided into plain, hill, plateau, swamp, forest and grassland with all types of climate, topographical feature and biographical species found in China. Because of the mild climate, fertile soil, abundant natural resources and a long history of developed agriculture, Sichuan has long been reputed to be the "land of Abundance".

Sichuan is a province of multi-nationalities inhabited by as many as 15 different ethnic groups including Han, Yi, Qiang, Miao, Tujia, Hui, Mongolian, lisu, Manchu, Laxi, Buyi, Bai, Dai and Zhuang. For the adminstrative purpose, the province is divided into municipality, prefecture and autonomous prefecture, altogether 23 with Chengdu being the capital. Chongqing is the largest city of the province listed, by the state,among the cities enjoying independent economic planning.

Sichuan is of great importance to the agricultural production of China, and is the biggest producer of grain, oil and living pig of the country. It has a total area of 6.232 million hectares of cultivated land which yields approximately ten percent of the country's total annual output of grain. In 1994, the province produced totally 42,320,000 tons of grain and 5,021,300 tons of pork, beef and mutton, and this resulted in an increase of 7.8 percent over that of the previous year. The slaughtered porkers this year totalled 71,558,400 head, and the gross agricultural output value amounted to 116.9 billion yuan, an increase of 3.8 percent over that of 1993. The province produces such cash crops and produce including rapeseed, cotton, sugarcane, tea, orange, natural silk and tung oil, with the output of rapeseed, orange and natural silk topping the whole country. Sichuan is rich in Chinese medicinal herbs with the output making up one-third of the country's total. These herbs including musk, pilose antler, notopterygium, Chinese caterpillar fungus, Ligusticum, wallichii, tendtilleaved fritillary bulb, Tianma and eucommia bark enjoy good reputation and market in the country. Besides, the province keeps China's largest production of tremeila, raw lacquer and mao bamboo. Sichuan is listed in the country the third in terms of the forest area that covers 11,532 hectares, and is among the state's 5 biggest prairies with the grassland covering 22,534 million hectares.

Sichuan is considered as one of the prime industrial bases of China. It boasts, at present, 39 of the country's total 40 industrial sectors, with its power, metallurgy, mining, chemicals, machine-building, space technology, aircraft, trunks and electronics sectors occupying important positions in the national industrial structure. The province accommodates a legion of large- sized enterprises enjoying good reputation both at home and abroad. They are Panzhihua Iron & Steel Company, Chongqing Iron & Steel Company, No. 2 Heavy-Duty Machinery Plant, Jialing Machinery Plant, and Changhong Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. The following statistics reveal the latest attainments scored in the province in the year of 1994: 271.552 billion (including that of the township enterprises), an increase of 19.5 percent over that of the previous year; 255.825 billion yuan of sales value, an increase of 16.7 percent; 89,699,800 tons of coal, an increase of 13.1 percent; 7,385 billion m3 of natural gas, a growth of 1.3 percent; 50.278 billion kw/h of electricity, a growth of 15.3 percent; 5,538,500 tons of steel products, a growth of 12.5 percent; and 2,395,300 tons of chemical fertilizer, a growth of 14.4 percent. Light industry of the province continued to expand in the past year. For a long time, the silk production of Sichuan has been playing an important role with the top output of silk cocoon and top silk reeling capacity in the whole country. Sichuan is extremely rich in hydropower resources. It has the country's largest reserves of hydropower resources that are estimated to 150 million kw, or 22.2 percent of the country's total; some 91.67 million kw, i.e. 24 percent of the country's total of hydropower reserves are easily exploitable. Sichuan has also abundant reserves of various kinds of minerals with over 130 discovered including abundant proven reserves of 94 minerals hidden in over 1,500 mining areas. Minerals with the richest reserves in the country number 40, and those having the largest output include: natural gas, iron, titanium, vanadium, aluminum, placer gold, lithium, cadmium, sulphur, phosphorus, halite, mirabilite, asbestos, crystal, mica, graphite, raw materials of cement, and top quality marble and granite, etc.

Sichuan is now a place of easy access. It has established the province networks of transportation and telecommunication that have joined into the national one and can provide people with convenience of transportation by air, water and land. There are 6 railways of Baoji-Chengdu, Chengdu-chongqing, Chengdu-Kunming, Sichuan-Guizhou, Xiangfan-Chongqing, Neijiang-Yibin running through the province with the total mileage of 2,930 km. The network of highway has been well programmed around the big cities of Chengdu, Chongqing, Nanchong, Yaan and Neijiang, and allows travel and communication to every small counties of the province with the total mileage of 100,002 km. The latest achievements in transportation development are represented chiefly by the initial traffic service on the eastern section of the Chengdu-Chongqing Express way, the construction started on the Chengdu-Mianyang Express way, the Daxian-Chengdu Railway, and the southern section of the Baoji-Chengdu Double-line Railway as well as the electrification of the Chengdu-Kunming Railway. The province has a total mileage of water way reaching 6,904 km, with navigation already being open up in over 120 inner land rivers. The province also operates civil aviation on over 150 national and international air routes. It's not only possible to fly, from Chengdu, to the major cities of the province and the country, but also to the foreign countries and districts of Nepal, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, Russia and Hong Kong; and to Negoya of Japan and Hong Kong from Chongqing. A provincial telecommunication network has been established comprising up-to-date technology and facilities such as microwave, optical fiber, satellite, program control telephone, beeper and radio facsimile. 191 cities, prefectures and counties of the province have realized automation of the local call, among which, 165 cities and counties have had national long- distance call installed and 100 have had, international long- distance call installed.

With the rapid development in economy, Sichuan boasts a comprehensive advantage of science and technology in the whole country.The province is home to 317 government-fund scientific research institutes; 210 technological development institutes set up in the large-sized enterprises and higher learning institutes; 63 higher learning institutes; 6,287 ordinary middle schools; 191 secondary technical schools; 107 normal schools; 639 vocational middle schools and 69,673 primary schools. Sichuan has a very rich heritage of culture and art. It enjoys high reputation both at home and abroad for the artistic style and striking local flavor of its folk song and dance, Sichuan opera, acrobatics and Quyi (a form of Chinese folk art). Owing to the efforts made in the improvement of public cultural institutions, the province has currently established 162 public libraries, 211 cultural centers, 52 museums, 36 radio broadcasting stations, and 36 TV stations. It published 119 kinds of newspapers, 375 kinds of magazines and 5,047 kinds of books. Up to 1994, the province has registered 19,012 public health institutions with 259,000 beds, and established 28 nature preserves with fruitful results achieved in the environmental protection. In the year, Sichuan athletes distinguished themselves at the national, Asian and international games, winning 12 gold medals, 9 silver medals and 9 bronze medals in Asian and worldwide sports competitions; 44 gold medals, 54 silver medals and 44 bronze medals in domestic sports competitions. The natural growth of population of the province was 9.94%. in 1994.

Centrally located in the western Sichuan Plain, Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, is renowned for its fertile land and agricultural wealth which have earned the city the nickname "Storehouse of Heaven". It covers an area of 3,861 sq. km., of which only 50 sq. km. is in the city proper with a population of 4 million, of whom 1.23 million are urban inhabitants.


In northern Sichuan, close to the Gansu border, is Jiuzhaigou (Nine Stockade Gully). It is so named because there are nine Tibetan villages in. Jiuzhaigou covers an area of 600 square kilometers, by now 50 square kilometers of which has been opened to tourists, comprising six scenic spots. In this area there are lakes, waterfalls, snow mountains and forests. The place is well preserved as its natural state.

In December,1992 The Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area was listed in the Chronology of Recognition of World Heritages in China.
Dujiang Dam:

Located in the suburb of Guanxian County, 57 km. southwest of Chengdu, the Dujiang Dam, an irrigation project was built by the locals in the 3rd Century A.D.

This project, some 60 kilometers north-west of Chengdu, was undertaken in the 3rd century BC to divert the fast flowing Min River and rechannel it into irrigation canals. This project was constructed under the guidance of Li Bing and his son in the Warring States Period. After the completio n of the project, the western part of Sichun was free from drought and flood. To commemorate Li Bing and his son, people built Two Kings Temple. Even today the irrigation project are being expanded and playing an important role.among Chengdu's delicacies. Longchaoshou, Tongjing Lane noodles and Husband-and-wife beef slices are some other tasty morsels worth trying. Most Characteristic of them are Lai Tangyuan (stuffed dumplings made of glutinous rice flour served in soup), Longchaoshou, Husband-and-wife beef slices, bell-shaped dumplings, Tongjing lane noodles and pearl-shaped Tangyuan.

Chengdu's snacks and refreshments have a great reputation. Dumplings made of glutinous rice flour served in soup (Lai Tangyuan), bell-shaped dumplings and pearl-shaped Tangyuan are Dujiangyan Irrigation Project

Sichuan Brocade: a famous traditional handicraft of Chengdu, Sichuan brocade feels soft and its colorfully unique designs are characteristic of the Chinese style.

Chengdu's Temperature('c)
Month Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun.

Average 5.5 7.5 12.1 17.0 20.9 23.7

Max. 9.6 11.5 16.7 22.0 25.7 28.0

Min. 2.4 4.4 8.6 13.1 17.3 20.3
Month Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Average 25.6 25.1 21.2 16.8 11.9 7.3

Max. 30.0 29.9 25.4 20.5 15.6 11.1

Min. 22.3 21.7 18.5 14.3 9.3 4.5


Though there is no railway link, Tibet has already opened two airports, one in Lhasa, the regional capital, the other in Chengdu, linking it with Chengdu, Beijing, Xi'an, Chongqing, and Kathmandu. Travel by air can provide you an opportunity to appreciate the unique scenery of the sea clouds and the rolling snow-covered mountain peaks from a height of 10,000 meters.

There are five highways leading to Tibet. The Qinghai-Tibet Highway and the China-Nepal Highway which connects Nepal with Tibet at Zhangmu Port of Entry are the busiest two road links, The other three are the Xinjiang-Tibet Highway, Sichuan-Tibet Highway, and Yunnan-Tibet Highway. The Sichuan-Tibet and Yunnan-Tibet links are not accessible to overseas tourists yet, but for Chinese travelers all the roads lead to Tibet. Transport condition on parts of the southern section of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway is still difficult, however,
Gold-plated roof

it is along this section that you can find numerous tourist attractions including the scenic Raog Lake, the ancient and unique Karo Ruins and Chambaling Monastery, as well as a folklore culture different from that of the areas around Lhasa.

Travel within the region is quite convenient, since the autonomous region has built a sound highway network reaching Lhasa in every direction.

Potala Palace

With a unique natural environment and a long history, Tibet boasts a magnificent highland scenery and rich ethnic folklore.

Once in Lhasa, first come into view will be the imposing and magnificent Potala Palace located on the Red Hill. In downtown, pilgrims and tourists are seen flocking to the famous Jakhang Monastery every day. In the Tibetan-style Norbu Lingka Garden you can visit the numerous palaces located among trees and flower, Highlights also include the Ramoche Temple, the Sera Monastery, the Drepung Monastery, the Dragon Pond, and the Mount Chakpuri, which contribute to making Lhasa a holy city.

Bharkor Street

In the heart of Lhasa, Bharkor Street is the best market place. Small shops line on both sides of the street. Small shops sells various items like pray flags, fur hats, horse bells and bridles, broad leather money belts and copper teapots. The merchandise in small and open street stalls changes from day to day, from Tibetan rugs and knives to traditional Tibetan costumes. Every day Bharkor is visited by crowds of curio-seekers and Tibetan pilgrims holding prayer wheels and walking through Bharkor Street and around the Jokhang Temple

Trashilhunpo Monastery at Xigaze

Located in the south of Nyioeri Mountain west of Xigaze, the monastery was first built in 1447 under the guidance of the First Dalai Lama Gedun Chubba, a disciple of Zongkaba of the Gelugba (Yellow Hat). As one of the four great monasteries of Gelungba in Tibet, it was listed as one of the historical monuments and cultural relics under state protection.

Inside the monastery there are more than 50 scripture halls and more than 3,600 monk quarters. The main structure, located at the top, has three parts. The upper part of the west side is the Hall of Buddha Maitreya (known as Buddha Qamba in Tibet) and is 30 meters high. Being the largest and highest indoor bronze statue of Buddha in the world, the Buddha Qamba is 26.2 meters high and made
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