
论坛:江湖兵器作者:靠边发表时间:2011-01-27 00:05
这个KOU QIN太可爱了,不知道她写的一句中文是什么,估计WSJ快要允许中文评论了。
最近的这些讨论正是时候,或者是时候已经到了,形势喜人啊。昨天学校的Children Times杂志重头文章是大家学中文,我闺女认出了文章里所有的中文字,那个骄傲!我告诉她,闺女好好学,马上会有同学要找你学中文了。
    * KOU QIN wrote:
I am a Chinese PhD student who is studying in an American college. My mom is a little bit like this "tiger mother". She asked me (at age of 6~11) to memorize and recite different hard ancient poems from Tang dynasty to Song dynasty before dinners, otherwise I was not allowed to eat. My math teacher in middle school asked me to solve difficult advanced math questions before going to bed, I often went to bed after 11 PM... And I knew my mom bribed the math teacher to do that. At times, I didn't like it, even hated it. But I am very grateful for what my mom had done to me. If it's not her I would not able to do well in school, learn foreign languages, come to US and pursue my dream in academia... Because my tiger mother, a whole new world is exposed to me, and I have tons of opportunities in a competitive world.

My mom loves me in very way. I love her too. It is just that the love is so deep and harsh. I never told my mom "I love you". My mom never say that to me, neither. It is just the way Chinese showing their love without saying it out loud.

I thank my mom for pushing me when I was young. And I thank Amy Chua for telling the truth.

          o Spencer Clark replied:
      But you'll never be in a rock band!

                + Vicky Wu replied:
            It's over rated, other than easy drug access.

                + KOU QIN replied:
            I may not be in a rock band, but I was an amateur journalist for a local newspaper. And you will never be a scientist and master another language to express your opinion on a Chinese website. You probably never visit to other countries and have the interest to explore other cultures. Good luck with your rock band and hope you can rock a new world out of it.

                + Alan Yu replied:
            Yeah, great argument ~~~ very creative!

            Everybody should be in a rock band!

                + Calley Murray replied:
            KOU QIN--
            He probably never will be expressing his opinion on a Chinese website the way you are expressing yours on an American website. Why is that? Could it be that success for the Chinese means studying at an American university? Yet you clearly hold your culture and society as the superior one. Interesting.

                + KOU QIN replied:
            To Calley Murray,
            ???????????. The world is ever changing. If you saw some "superior tone" from my original post, I am sorry. It only suggests that you have a mindset of "superior or inferior", and I can sense your insecure feeling.

                + John Mackay replied:
            I actually think the fact that so many Asian students come to American universities to study is the very thing we should applause to. Just look at this discussion thread, how many Asian/Chinese people (American or non-American) can argue with excellent English, right logic and straight facts! How many of us can do the same thing on Chinese, Japanese or Korean BBS? This fact alone speaks out loud for the truth! I think this is something serious, not something we should mock them about.

            Behind all this fact reflect a very important issue, it's called attitute. It doesn't matter how much one is left behind, as long as you are determined to learn with a right attitute, in the end you will definitely be able to catch up or even surpass!

          o Ti-Anna Wang replied:
      My Chinese mother was not a "tiger mother". She was extremely liberal, never laid out any household rules. I never had a curfew and nor was I ever forbidden to do anything (including drinking and having boyfriends). The only thing she pressed was endless curiosity and critical thinking. Nevertheless, I can speak 3 languages fluently, am learning a 4th, have traveled the world extensively and have written for the Washington Post. I'm also an undergraduate student with a near perfect GPA. My brother is a law student at one the best law schools in the US, graduating at the top of the class with an incredible job offer. If you're smart, then you don't need this kind of abuse to excel in life.

                + Abslom Daak replied:
            Rock on sister.
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